
Language Status
en-US 100%
ach 89%
af-ZA 81%
ak 89%
am-ET 71%
ar 94%
ast-ES 88%
ayc-BO 88%
aym-BO 2%
be-BY 71%
be@latin 88%
bg-BG 99%
bm 86%
bn 43%
br-FR 100%
bs 43%
ca-ES 89%
ca@valencia 89%
cgg 87%
cs-CZ 98%
cy-GB 100%
da-DK 99%
de-CH 70%
de-DE 99%
el-GR 99%
en-AU 2%
en-CA 91%
en-GB 100%
en-IE 24%
eo 87%
es-ES 100%
es-MX 55%
et 86%
eu-ES 87%
fa-AF 0%
ff 99%
fi-FI 85%
fil 8%
fr-FR 99%
ga-IE 88%
gl 100%
he-IL 57%
hi 45%
hr-HR 88%
hu-HU 99%
id-ID 70%
it-IT 88%
ja-JP 88%
jbo 54%
kk-KZ 90%
km 45%
ko 77%
ku 79%
lg 85%
lt-LT 64%
lv-LV 63%
mg-MG 57%
mk-MK 87%
mnk-SN 84%
ms-MY 89%
nb-NO 81%
ne-NP 87%
nl-NL 100%
nn-NO 80%
pl-PL 96%
ps 80%
pt-BR 86%
pt-PT 81%
quh-BO 85%
qul-BO 85%
quz 84%
ro-RO 87%
ru-RU 87%
sc-IT 78%
sk-SK 99%
sl-SI 100%
son 100%
sq-AL 100%
sr 98%
sr@latin 79%
sv-SE 100%
sw 15%
ta-IN 54%
th 7%
tr-TR 73%
uk-UA 61%
vi-VN 72%
wo-SN 86%
yi 85%
zh-CN 100%
zh-HK 99%
zh-TW 99%
zu 87%

Last generated at
2022-08-20 05:15:00

Language Status
en-US 99%
af-ZA 81%
am-ET 75%
ar 99%
ast-ES 98%
ayc-BO 97%
aym-BO 97%
be-BY 75%
be@latin 97%
bg-BG 97%
br-FR 99%
ca-ES 98%
cs-CZ 97%
cy-GB 97%
da-DK 99%
de-CH 71%
de-DE 99%
el-GR 96%
en-AU 3%
en-CA 97%
en-GB 97%
en-IE 26%
eo 57%
es-ES 97%
es-MX 62%
et 97%
eu-ES 99%
ff 99%
fi-FI 84%
fr-FR 98%
ga-IE 97%
gl 99%
he-IL 62%
hr-HR 97%
hu-HU 95%
id-ID 76%
it-IT 97%
ja-JP 70%
jbo 53%
ko 84%
ku 94%
lt-LT 80%
lv-LV 67%
mg-MG 63%
mh-MH 0%
mk-MK 96%
mnk-SN 98%
ms-MY 98%
nb-NO 93%
ne-NP 97%
nl-NL 99%
nn-NO 91%
pl-PL 96%
ps 97%
pt-BR 96%
pt-PT 90%
quh-BO 97%
qul-BO 97%
ro-RO 99%
ru-RU 99%
sc-IT 86%
sk-SK 99%
sl-SI 99%
sq-AL 98%
sr 88%
sr@latin 88%
sv-SE 90%
ta-IN 54%
tr-TR 82%
uk-UA 66%
ur 0%
vi-VN 74%
wo-SN 99%
yi 96%
zh-CN 98%
zh-HK 68%
zh-TW 95%

Last generated at
08/19/2022 05:25:00

Translate AbiWord

Translating AbiWord into another language is fairly straightforward. However, the process is slightly different depending on whether or not your language already has a translation for it.

New Abiword Translation
If you want to translate AbiWord to a language that doesn't have an AbiWord translation yet, this is the right option for you.
Existing Translation
If you want to add to or modify an existing AbiWord translation, this is the right option for you.

Translations are very important to us, and are key to making AbiWord available for as many people as possible. If you have any problems with the translation process, please don't hesitate to ask for help!