Re: Gnome fe questions

Subject: Re: Gnome fe questions
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 22:50:15 CDT

At 10:18 PM 4/4/00 -0500, Robert Sievers wrote:
>At 10:01 PM 4/4/00 +0200, you wrote:
>>2. Everybody can download a version of Abiword for his favourite
>>platform except the Gnome users.
>>And the solution for 2 is to ask to Paul if Abisource can build a gnome
>>version of Abiword (I think).
>As far as I know, there aren't any technical concerns prohibiting a GHOME
>version when we cut binaries for 0.7.9. When we start closing in on this,
>which will hopefully be soon, I will see if either Shaw or myself can coax
>the build system into doing so without too much trouble.

I've never messed with the build system, but the only technical issue I can
think of should be pretty minor -- we need to be able to cleanly build both
variants (GTK and GNOME) on the the same build host, which will take two
compile passes over the tree.

If both ports dump their outputs into the exact same OUTDIR, then we may
want to wipe the tree between builds just to avoid any collisions. It might
be a tad cleaner if those outputs wind up in parallel targets, but that
shouldn't be hard to do.


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