Re: bugzilla stuff

Subject: Re: bugzilla stuff
From: Robert Sievers (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 16:26:14 CDT

At 08:49 PM 4/17/00 -0500, sam th wrote:
>Well, I just went through a bunch of bugs that haven't made it out of
>SUBMIT yet, and here's some results.
>The bugs I think are invalid, but someone else should check them out
>before we toss them.

I emailed this guy over a month ago for more info, but never got a
response. My guess is that this was a duplicate of #590, which had been
fixed. I will mark this as invalid. If responds with info
allowing us to reproduce it, I will reopen it.


same as #724


I closed this for now. I mailed jstultz and said if he or she could come
up with more info, great. Otherwise, there wasn't much we could do.


This guy upgraded to Red Hat 6.2 and hit the libpng bug, so he couldn't
check the problem. He will try again with 0.7.9 or send me the file. I
am leaving this as SUBMITTED for now until he gets back to me.

>This bug reveals a serious problem with wv (i'm pretty sure). People
>should look at it.

Oof! Yikes.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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