Marking as we spell check

Subject: Marking as we spell check
From: Thomas Fletcher (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 11:43:02 CDT


  I can't remember who or when the code was put in to
flash a little squiggly under the entire line when it
is being spell checked, but I have a couple of comments.

1) I don't really like it. I know I know that this
is flame bait, but already when I'm typing there is
enough distraction. Having the mis-spelt words underlined
is one thing, but it is another to have the whole lines
flash on/off.

2) Probably should have been before 1, but it looks like
even if there is no dictionary loaded the spell check
continues (as shown by the little red squiggly line showing
up under my lines). Could we turn off the drawing of the
squiggly (and preferably the iterating of the document)
when there is no spell checker.

I'd fix it myself, but it will no doubt take a bit of
time to go into the code to find where this is happening,
when the author is probably lurking on the list and can
address my comments.

Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems Neutrino Development Group

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