Re Mightly Builds

Subject: Re Mightly Builds
From: James Alan Brown (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 15:55:48 CDT

Ok have the answer now.
The reason why I am getting build errors on the nightly builds is as follows:-

take a good look at the original 0.7.10 /src/Makefile then take a good look at
the nightly download /src/Makefile and your understand why I am getting a

old Makefile per 0.7.10

# copy the various dictionary hash files
        @$(subst xxxx,$(CANONDIR)/dictionary,$(VERIFY_DIRECTORY))
        @(cd $(CANONDIR)/dictionary; \
                for k in *.zip; do \
                        unzip -o $$k; \
                        rm $$k; \

copy the various dictionary hash files
        @$(subst xxxx,$(CANONDIR)/dictionary,$(VERIFY_DIRECTORY))
        @$(ABICOPY) $(ABI_ROOT)/../abidistfiles/dictionary/$(OS_ENDIAN).*.hash
        @(cd $(CANONDIR)/dictionary; \
                for k in *.hash; do \
                        cp $$k american.hash; \
                        rm $$k ; \
        (cd $(ABI_ROOT)/../abidistfiles; tar cf - dictionary/*.hash) | (cd
$(CANONDIR); tar xf -)
ifeq ($(ABI_NATIVE),unix)

In fact it will make with the new /src/Makefile but to do a make install your
have to overwrite it with the old /src/Makefile! If you don’t your get the
following error:

No such file or directory

What give Guys?

Has the Abidistfiles been changed since 0.7.10

By the way at last I am up to date albeit that ii have to overwrite that source
Makefile from a make to a make install to see my new changes!


James Alan Brown

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