commit: Removed gnome-help as a help browser.

Subject: commit: Removed gnome-help as a help browser.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 20:20:20 CDT

Hi everyone,
           the Abiword help system uses a local html browser to view the
help files. To decide what to use we originally did the following.

1. Look to see if gnome-help exists, if so use that.
2. Look to see if kde-help exists, if so use that.
3. Use netscape.

Unfortunately gnome-help does such a lowsy job of rendering the html that
it is unusable so I've just cut it out.

Now we just do 2 and 3. When the gnome-help browser improves I'll put it

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CVS: src/af/xap/unix/xap_UnixFrame.cpp

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