RE: Commit: Re: notes on smart quote implementation (fwd)

Subject: RE: Commit: Re: notes on smart quote implementation (fwd)
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 11:48:20 CDT

dom> I'm just concerned about 1 thing: I write an Abi document on
dom> Linux/Gtk. I send it to my friend who's using the Gnome
dom> build. The fonts used in the Gtk build don't correspond to fonts
dom> in Gnome (take our "Times New Roman" versus their "Times"). Do I:

I don't really see how this is much different from you creating an Abi
document on MSWindows and sending it to a friend of yours who doesn't
happen to have the same fonts you used. Your options are about the
same: arrange for that person to have the font or arrange for them to
use a substitute font. It would be wise to discover established
expectations in the historic handling of this problem before crafting
an Abi solution.

In the particular case of Gnome-vs-gtk versions of AbiWord, isn't it
nearly trivial to switch from running the gtk version to the Gnome
version? (It certainly was for me, but I don't know what goop my
Linux distribution has secretly put in place for me.) Is there a
reason that someone would prefer to run the gtk version instead of the
Gnome version (other than the fact that the choice exists and Unix
users are like that :-)? If not, then the answer is obvious. Make
the Gnome version rock, regardless of the keep-up-ness of the gtk

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