[IMPORTANT PATCH] wv handling of complex WORD6 8-bit char docs

Subject: [IMPORTANT PATCH] wv handling of complex WORD6 8-bit char docs
From: Martin Vermeer (mv@liisa.pp.fi)
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 11:49:36 CDT

Believe it or not, such documents exist... my wife has produced them
for the better part of the last decade ;-)

I noticed that abisuite-0.7.10 managed to import the doc... but only every
second character(*). A little experimentation in clx.c showed what to do.
Caolan was there before, and his comments pointed the way.

Someone should try the same with WORD2 complex non-fExtChar docs. I don't
have any.


(*) If you think reading a text with vowels omitted is hard, try this...

Martin Vermeer mv@liisa.pp.fi

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