More BeOS issues...

Subject: More BeOS issues...
From: Ben Hall (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 07:09:50 CST


Try as I might, I could not get my compiled BeOS binary to do much of
anything. As a result, I modified my changes slightly, applied Martin's
patch and recompiled.

Sam, as I changed my ifdefs around a bit, would you like me to re-submit
the patch? I made a new diff file against the original source.

Also, I can verify that the 0.7.12 BeOS build that's up there (not the one
I built) works reasonably well.

Here's some notes about what I've noticed in the BeOS build (My new one
and the one that's on the abi site):

* The top menu buttons don't seem to do anything. They display the
  tooltips, but the new, open, save, and save-as don't work. If I go to
  File->New etc. that works fine. Also, toolbars other than the top one
  seem to be A-OK. This is true of my build and the one up there already.

* My binary (R5) has wheel mouse support

* Importing text files doesn't seem to work very well on my build, but
  seemed alright on the one that was up there.

* I verified that my list bug was in fact fixed. Thanks Martin.

Once again, I have posted the binaries to the
patch that's there is the old one, so don't download it.

Should I build other binaries with Martin's patch, or should I wait?


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