Abiword 0.7.12 for SGI

Subject: Abiword 0.7.12 for SGI
From: Roland Kunz (R.Kunz@rz.uni-frankfurt.de)
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 03:07:14 CST

Hi folks,

compiled Abiword 0.7.12 for SGI Irix 6.5 adittionally to my AIX built.
What should be packed in the binary, only the AbiWord_d file or the
whole AbiSuite tree ?
Btw: the wrapper skript seem to have some Problems if a
variable is empty:
/home/zentral/roku/bin/abiword[24]: test: argument expected
/home/zentral/roku/bin/abiword[29]: test: argument expected
/home/zentral/roku/bin/abiword[70]: test: argument expected

Shouldnt it means
if [ ! -z "$encoding" ]
instead of:
f [ ! -z $encoding ]



Dipl. phys. Roland Kunz, (CATE)
Hochschulrechenzentrum Frankfurt, Germany       
RS/6000 Systemmanagement (zentrale Dienste)     
e-mail: R.Kunz@rz.uni-frankfurt.de; Tel: 069 798 25187

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