Re: drawing performance

Subject: Re: drawing performance
From: Sam TH (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 16:23:38 CST

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 10:07:21PM -0000, Tomas Frydrych wrote:
> I think the the drawing performance could be significantly improved
> if the string library found in UT_strings is replaced with one
> hand-written in Assembler.

Yeah, probably. But for which platform? We support, at last count,
at least 4 different architectures. And what compiler? They all have
different extensions for inline assembley. We will not sacrifice
portability so that we can use assembler.

It would be lots faster to have a better string library. But fast
string libraries can be written in C, too, or C++. I'm sure someone
has even written one. I recomend using that, since assembly is
basically impossible.

If you were to improve the preformnce of the UT_string stuff, I'm sure
everyone would be very pleased. But assembler would be tough.

                                sam th
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