Re: Brewing a new backend

Subject: Re: Brewing a new backend
From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Tue Dec 26 2000 - 15:17:21 CST

>>>>> "Tomas" == Tomas Frydrych <> writes:

Tomas> I would REALLY appreciate if someone could have a look at the
Tomas> BiDi patch so that it could be checked into the tree BEFORE any
Tomas> rewrite of the /text/ stuff starts. It is bad enough having to
Tomas> reconcile it with the tree by hand every time changes are made
Tomas> to the /text/ classess (I spent an hour or so doing this on
Tomas> Saturday and that was mainly due to some cosmetic changes to
Tomas> this part of the tree).

OK, I'll delay "branching" until you get BiDi support merged. Any ETA
on that?

I could have a look at the patch, but it's a long time since I last
looked at the AbiWord code, so I suspect I'd just say "Looks fine to
me..." trying to sound clever :) Where can I get it?


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