we won! again!

Subject: we won! again!
From: Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 22:10:26 CST

I'm very pleased to announce that for the second time in a row, AbiWord has
been voted Show Favorite by attendees at the Linux World Conference and


Last August we won in the "Productivity Application/Suite" category, and
this time we won the "Office Suite" category. Considering the feature sets
of our proprietary competitors, this is quite an accomplishment. It really
says a lot about how popular we already are with our users.

This award is the result of a lot of hard work by members of the AbiWord
community who've quietly kept focused on our end goal:

  building a product that Just Works

I know we spend a lot of time on this list focusing on the work we still
need to do to get to a 1.0 release that we can all be proud of.

However, now is a perfect time to take a little break and pat ourselves on
the back for this accomplishment. I know it really motivates me to keep
cranking on the product and figuring out ways to make it even better.



PS: If you want to see pictures of the trophy, they're on the reviews page:


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