bug with word import?

Subject: bug with word import?
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 13:40:52 CST


 some months ago this word document could be opened with abiword.
 now, I give up waiting, as it eats as much cpu as it can, and locks trying to load it.
 I have the build from cvs update of a couple of hours ago.

 it showed the following errors:

wvWarning: There is no character run due to open but one should be, plugging the gap.
[... this repeated several times ...]
wvWarning: There is no character run due to open but one should be, plugging the gap.
wvError: (picf.c:136) Old Graphic
 wvError: (picf.c:140) Old Graphic
 wvError: (picf.c:147) Old Graphic
 wvError: (picf.c:150) X is a94b00aa
 wvError: (picf.c:154) Old Graphic

in attatchment, follows the word doc (it's in portuguese, but that should not be an issue, only the file format)
hugs, rms

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