catching up with pending design issues

Subject: catching up with pending design issues
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 21:19:23 CST

There's been so much excellent design and development work going on since
0.7.8 shipped, that I've really been struggling to keep up with what
everyone's been doing. For example:

  - tabs dialog (shack)
  - image handling (Justin)
  - CJK stuff (hj, hashao)
  - lists (Luke)
  - fields proposal (Keith)
  - word count dialog (Sam)

Every morning, I tell myself that *today* will be the day that I finally get
through my backlog of folks I owe feedback to, only to get swamped with new
issues. After spending most of the afternoon working my way backwards
through the list, I know that today is *not* the day, either. :-)

If you're waiting on feedback from me, and your name is not on the above
list, please let me know privately.


still digging

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