Re: AbiSource, Ispell, Aspell and beyond...

Subject: Re: AbiSource, Ispell, Aspell and beyond...
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 21:14:01 CST

At 09:29 PM 2/25/00 -0500, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
>No, no, no. Do YOU maintain the session and personal word lists or does

We do.

>When coming up with near misses can the personal and session
>words appear as near misses?

They are recognized as valid words. They are not included in the suggestion

>This is an important question so please
>don't ignore it.

Be nice, Kevin. I spend a *lot* of time on this list attempting to give
thoughtful design feedback to people working on a wide variety of features.
Sometimes I fall behind:
Sometimes I misunderstand a question. Sometimes I run out of time and don't
give anyone the answers they need. Sometimes people have to rephrase stuff
so I know what they're talking about.

It's nothing personal.

>Lookups will defiantly be as fast as ispell if not faster.


>A full second is only on bad cases with short words. There is also a
>suggestion mode in aspell which is over 5 times faster but doesn't give
>quite as good results.

Cool. That sounds entirely appropriate. As long as we get fast, accurate
suggestions for "easy" misspellings, I suspect users will be willing to wait
a bit longer for the "mind-reading" mode to work.

>Will an example of how to use it help?

Yes. That'd be a *big* help.

It's very easy to understand how to use the 4 C calls in our existing API.
I can easily envision adding a fifth call, for example, to report
misspelling/suggestion pairs back to the spell engine. (Until you explained
that feature, I had no idea you did that.)

However, there are a *lot* more than 5 entry points in your API. ;-)


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