Re: expat problem building 0.7.7

Subject: Re: expat problem building 0.7.7
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 08:31:54 CST

> I was attempting to compile 0.7.7 on my system, when bizzarely
> enough, I got a fatal error while in expat. This is with entirely
> unmodified sources for the entire tree. Included is the output from make.
> I tried both compressed archives on the abisource website. I also
> downloaded an srpm of the origional code for expat, and it gave the same
> error. hope someone knows what is going on here, cause I sure as hell
> don't

Signal 11's are usually hardware related. Something critical to the
compiler was probably stored in a bit of RAM that got corrupted. One of my
computers has somewhat cheaper parts, and during times of intense
compilation, I regularly see sig11. The work around: start the compile
over. If it always stops at the same place, then something else is wrong.
If it goes further, it was some odd hardware thing.


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