RE: design -- ASSERT(field is a container)

Subject: RE: design -- ASSERT(field is a container)
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 23:35:54 CST

At 11:46 PM 12/31/99 +0100, Harald Fernengel wrote:
>RTF also supports fields in fields, for example nested IF clauses:
>{ IF { MERGEFIELD Name } = "xx" "yy" "zz" }
>How should this be supported?

Blech. I'd like to reserve the <field>...</field> container for field

This syntax looks like a reference to an existing field value, with some
scripting code to make various substitutions. A later version of AbiWord
will eventually include a scripting language (please, no Python vs.
JavaScript flamewars this week), and it'd be nice if we could defer any
programming-language-style constructs until then.


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