cool newsgroup post

Subject: cool newsgroup post
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 09:02:03 CST

Every once in a while, I scan newsgroup postings for mentions of "AbiWord",
just to see what people around the Internet are saying about us. This
morning, I ran across an especially cool post:[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=573318730

The relevant excerpt is here:

  I've settled in on Caldera 2.3 with some modifications and upgrades on
  some of the original components and a few additions. Upgraded the KDE,
  installed Fvwm2 for something to play with. Upgraded Netscape to 4.7 with
  strong encryption, Installed xsane for my parport Mustek scanner,
  added AbiWord to replace WP8 and a few other things and have a home work
  station that is getting to be like an old comfortable pair of shoes for me.

Yep, that's right. In a message about this user's favorite Linux setup, he
mentions all the various upgrades and customizations he's done to make his
machine as comfortable as possible...

... and he thinks of us as an *upgrade* from WordPerfect 8!

That made my day, and it's not even 7 am. :-)


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