Re: #include ap_EditMethods.cpp

Subject: Re: #include ap_EditMethods.cpp
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 00:38:02 CST

At 12:01 AM 1/20/00 -0600, you wrote:
>The function is called toErrorCode(...), and will eventually be
>overloaded. It currently takes arguments of type IEStatus and transforms
>them into error codes. It is cross-platform, and not neccessarily abiword
>specific. I am not sure what XAP is (although my bet is that it is
>cross-abisuite), so I don't know wether it is or not. Hope this helps

OK. Now I get it.

I think if we do things right, you shouldn't need this function at all.
Jeff originally defined a bunch of IEStatus codes which are local to the
following app-specific subtree:


Now it looks like you're mapping them to a new set of equivalent
UT_ErrorCode values which can be used in cross-app (XAP) code:


It's not clear to me that we need two discrete overlapping sets of
Error/Status codes here, particularly since the IEStatus set seems like it'd
be pretty useful for other applications. However, you've been in that code
a lot more recently than I have -- do you know of any reason to maintain the

If not, I suspect we could just convert the impexp APIs to use UT_ErrorCode
throughout, thus removing the need for a conversion function. While you're
in there making the change, two quick suggestions:

1. Our default coding style for #define constants is usually:

  UT_ALL_CAPS_STYLE // a public constant
  ut_ALL_CAPS_STYLE // a private constant

Where the only variation in capitalization is the lowercase prefix for stuff
which isn't intended for use outside that module.

2. I'm tempted to keep things terse and just call it UT_Error instead, but
that's just me.


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