patch -- "to" command line option

Subject: patch -- "to" command line option
From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 14:02:27 CST

Well, I've changed my previous patch to make it work well with the new
cvs tree.

Please, Shaw, can you forget my previous patch (at least the "to"
related sections), and apply this one instead?

I've implemented to a --verbose and a --show option.

If you use --verbose {0,1,2}, you obtain:

        0: No messages at all.
        1: Only the error messages.
        2: error messages + information about the conversion status.

If you use --show, abiword will start his graphic version (even if you
specified the --to option).

In addition, the code that implements the "--to" logic it's placed at

The platform specific code is about 4-5 lines.

Is everybody happy?

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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