Potential 0.7.8 show stopper

Subject: Potential 0.7.8 show stopper
From: Robert Sievers (bob@abisource.com)
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 19:41:27 CST

I have been beating on AbiWord all day, and it has held up quite well. I
did find a problem, however, which could be severe enough that we should
consider fixing it before 0.7.8. This particular problem did not happen in

AbiWord crashes when pressing return in the middle of a non-spell checked word
Impact: Crash
Frequency: Fairly often.

You can also see this problem by opening any document, clicking someplace,
holding down the backspace key past a paragraph break, then pressing enter.
I am not sure what patch caused this problem to sneak in, so I don't know
who to direct the mail to.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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