Fw: Patches for BeOS to get it compiling (once again)

Subject: Fw: Patches for BeOS to get it compiling (once again)
From: Ithamar R. Adema (ithamar@dds.nl)
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 18:21:24 CDT

Duh... now with the patch attached....

----- Original Message -----
From: Ithamar R. Adema
To: abiword-dev@abisource.com
Cc: patches@abisource.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 1:19 AM
Subject: Patches for BeOS to get it compiling (once again)


Finally found the time to fix the compiler errors introduced by some general patches before. This one was *very* simple (#include statements were missing ;o).

Fixing this leaves us with the corrupted resource file in the linking stage, which will abort appending the resources to the executable, but it will run none-the-less. However, none of the dialogs (inc. the spash/about screen) will be available.



PS: The crashing bugs for the BeOS versions are mainly from the BeOS timer implementation, I hope to get around fixing that soon.... (AbiWord doesn't like being treated as re-entrant code, in the places where it is not ;o)

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