RE: patch: spacing fix up for remapGlyph work

Subject: RE: patch: spacing fix up for remapGlyph work
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 21:33:38 CDT

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, WJCarpenter wrote:
> I don't see the faulty behavior here with a debug build from 071200
> sources (and the memory allocation stuff I submitted this morning,
> which shouldn't matter). Just to make sure I understand you
> correctly, if you select the font "Standard Symbols" from the toolbar,
> and then type "ABDE" on your keyboard, you see "ABDE" on your screen
> instead of the Greek upper case alpha, beta, delta, epsilon? I see
> the Greek letters here. (Never mind that it looks like chi instead of
> gamma comes between beta and delta in the symbols font. That's just
> part of the wonder of modern computing. :-)
> If symptoms persist after you check out your build environment, I
> could look further, but so far it looks like "Not Me!" (tm).

It is quite bizarre behaviour. I just tried it again. If I do as you say,
the font to standard symbols and start typing I get the greek symbols. If
I now start a bulleted list the bullets come our right too.

Now If I close abi and start it up again and first thing start a bulleted
list, the bullets don't come out right and all atempts to insert a symbol
into the list come out a regular Times New Roman characters even though
abi says the current font is Standard Symbols. It could be a clue that
something is very wrong in the piece table with a list in operation. I
have other hints this is the case too. Thanks for your help. It sounds
like a problem in the piece table but I will check to see what font called
in the draw routines next.



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