Re: at least three people...

Subject: Re: at least three people...
From: Thomas Briggs (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 09:09:44 CDT

> Oh, there are more than three. You're fairly new here, right?
> Check the archives for threads involving Aaron and the word
> "Luddite".

   Fairly new as far as contributing code, yes. I've been lurking on the
list for over a year though, so I'm not *that* new. :)
   What I'm actually poking fun at are the CVS commit logs - there was a
comment in there recently (from Aaron) about not being worrying about
breaking the Win32 build because there's only one person building on it
anyway (which I assumed to mean me, because the comment appeared shortly
after a rash of complaints from me). I therefore take a small amount of
pleasure in pointing out (to Aaron) when people other than myself show
interest in the Win32 build.
   On the other hand, it does feel good to know that I'm not alone in
Win32-Abi-World. :)


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