Re: Editing problems

Subject: Re: Editing problems
From: Paul Egli (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 10:58:39 CDT

>> Two problems with the current AbiWord release, when running on kernel
>> 2.4.0-test4 on a Slackware 7.0-based system:
>> 1. If you select a block of text and make a format change, making the
>> format change clears the selection. So, if you want to select a paragraph
>> of (for example) 12-point Courier plain, and make it Times Roman 18-point
>> bold italic, you have to either go through the Format Font... dialog, or:
>This behavior would be badly broken. However, it's not what Abi does for
>me right now. Try downloading a nightly build (from my homepage) and see
>what you think.

You might be seeing bug 833 or 883, but even then it shouldn't cancel the
selection of just a paragraph of regular text.

-Paul Egli

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