FYI: librsvg

Subject: FYI: librsvg
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 07:57:42 CDT

I just discovered this over the weekend, and figured it would be
worth passing along for use in AbiWord.

librsvg is a library for generating PNG files from SVG (sound
familiar ;). It is a part of GNOME (nautilus/librsvg), and sits on
top of libxml, glib, libart, and libpng - all of which are
x-platform. (well actually the libart in the GNOME tree isn't, but I
did submit my changes for Mac OS and Windows to the author).

Rather than reinvent the wheel, we should probably look at bringing
it over to replace the work that Justin did, since it's much further
along in actually rendering SVG.


                   You've got a SmartFriend in Pennsylvania
Leonard Rosenthol      			Internet:
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