[RFC] fp_EmptyTextRun

Subject: [RFC] fp_EmptyTextRun
From: Jesper Skov (jskov@redhat.com)
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 06:45:33 CDT

I am looking at the problem of cursor size being wrong after a page
break if the text before it was super/subscript.

This is because the zero-length TextRun added to the block when
inserting a page break does not inherit the correct properties - which
is due, as far as I can tell, to the Run not representing anything in
the piece table (lookupProperties has nothing to work with).

Having a separate class for these zero-length placeholder Runs (also
used by _insertFakeTextRun, checkForBeginOnForcedBreak, and
checkForEndOnForcedBreak) would allow us to do two things:

 o liberal amounts of assertions to ensure the dummy Runs do not get
   used for anything but as a placeholders for the formatter code.

 o lookupProperties can get its data from the previous "proper" Run
   and thus fix the cursor problem.

I'd make it a sub-class of fp_TextRun.

Any comments on this?


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