Off topic -License query and long term import plans.

Subject: Off topic -License query and long term import plans.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 07:46:24 CDT

HI everyone,
            I was reading Slashdot today about the possibilities of a MS
Officeless office. The point was raised that Staroffice 5.1 import filters
are not as good as Abiword's. However Staroffice 5.2 is due out soon with,
according to Sun "Improved import filters". I think we can guess that our
favourite Star Division employee has something to do with this :-)

Now Sun promises to release the source code for StarOffice under their
"Community License". Are we allowed to look at their code, work out where
they're doing a better job of decoding MS formatted files than us then
reimplement their reverse-engineering of MS in our own code?

Does Star division import Word Perfect? Can we do the same trick to get a
Word Perfect importer running?

Just some thoughts for post 1.0. I guess I should write a dialog or
something so we can get there to have this sort of fun :-)



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