TABS dialog [was: Your Abiword TABS dialog]

Subject: TABS dialog [was: Your Abiword TABS dialog]
From: Stephen Hack (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 18:21:34 CDT


Consider the tabs code that I submitted free hints/attempts at the tabs
dialog. Just graduated, getting married, moving cross country, new job, and
many other major life changes has forced me to back off of the abiword

As for the, this address still works, sort of. I don't know
when it will be terminated, but should be shortly. My new email address will
be, but I will not be checking that until the end of July

Your more than welcome to merge in the tabs changes. The patch I sent
compiled against code roughly two/three months ago, but was developed against
code at the beginning of the year. I broke many things (ok, just tabs), and
didn't have time to get it working before my brain purge at the end of the
fall semester. Unfortunately, I've been out of the loop. If you're interested
in merging the code, checkout a copy of the tree at a given date (I think the
-D option). Roughly 3 months should be much closer to where the patch was
generated. That way, hopefully, you can get a copy of the code that is
patchable, then backtrack the changes. (Manually changing / patching the new
tree). I have to warn you, I broke the tabs implementation, but I saw a
response on that from Jeff.

Good luck.

Martin Sevior wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> I don't know if you still have this email address but I thought
> I would ask anyway. It would be great to get your Abiword tab dialog
> finished. I recently tried to apply your most recnt patch (about 2 months
> old) but it failed against the current tree in a number of places. I have
> a few questions.
> 1. Do you want to finish this off yourself? If so can you forsee a time
> when you will have it done?
> 2. If the answer to 1 is no, can you merge your current best code into a
> new patch that applies against the current tree?
> I'm willing to take up the challenge of finishing the TABs dialog but its
> your baby and I'm sure it would be less work for you too. I've certainly
> got enough other jobs to keep me busy :-)
> Cheers
> Martin

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