Re: Internationalisation of Gnome dialogs

Subject: Re: Internationalisation of Gnome dialogs
From: Henrik Berg (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 03:44:00 CDT

> So we have two options: either provide an Indonesian translation of
> Gnome... Or find a way to cheat and make AbiWord use its own translation
> for Gnome widgets.

> I have a feeling that if I were to undertake the former plan (in addition
> to providing the id_ID translation for AbiWord), my wife and son would
> raise some objections :-). They already begrudge time I spend at home
> engrossed in front of the computer.

> So, plan B, is it possible to somehow override Gnome's choice of text to
> make use of AbiWord's strings? And if it is possible, do we want to?

> I've just had a quick wander around the i18n/l10n web pages at Gnome, and
> see that most of our other languages do have some sort of reasonably
> complete translation, at least for gnome-libs. Maybe id_ID is the odd
> language out.

> Is this a general issue? Do any of our other platforms provide
> translations of some of their interface widgets? I guess at the least the
> file open/save dialogs on most platforms are localised.

My main argument for not going for "plan B" is that it goes against the fakt than someone has taken time to create "stock" objects in gnome, and someone else has taken time to use them in Abi. To use even more time to reverse this inte "aplication local" translation is not goodlooking.

Think like this. When someone used AbiWord with ID translation, they must have come thru an un translated Gnome, reading everything in English (or some language better understod in Indonesia). Can it be so bad to read "Next" buttor and others in Gnomish language?

This is only until someone with more time on their hand does a full translation. You don't know any students to give to a go?


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