commit -- various minor things

Subject: commit -- various minor things
From: Justin Bradford (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 14:59:41 CDT

1. Fixed BMP support for true color (RGB, non-palette) images.
It should now support BMPs all the way up to 48 and 64 bpp.
(But it does not support RLE compression in BMPs, yet).

2. I've added a convertGraphic method to all of the graphic
importers. It lets you pass a byte buffer of the specific
type in, and gives you a byte buffer of PNG/SVG out.

This is useful for things which want to make use of the
graphics importers, such as other document importers, like...

3. Added support for BMPs (aka DIBs) in the Word importer.

Additionally, we can now easily add support for something like
pasting images from the clipboard (assuming the clipboard format is

4. Added a percent unit type to to_uints (for the vector stuff).

5. Made a drawText optimization on unix. I saw a noticeable, but not
dramatic, improvement-- especially when typing quickly.

Vector status:

I have the svg style/attribute parsing basically complete, and the
pre-rendering pass won't take long to do. Then, after some extensions to
the gr_Graphics context (for ellipses and polygons, primarily), we should
have support roughly equivalent to WMF and PICT.


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