MVC Workspace and Project Files to assist Win32 Developers

Subject: MVC Workspace and Project Files to assist Win32 Developers
From: Michael D. Pritchett (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 01:30:09 CDT

I have created a set of Microsoft Visual Studio Workspace and Project Files
for MVC version 5.0 (Should work for 6.0) to assist me. Hopefully they can
be of some use to others.

What it can do:
-Load all files required to build a debug version of AbiWord.exe. (note:
Makefiles must be run at least once to properly configure peer libraries).
-Builds files similar to Makefile system. An abi\src\WIN32_x_i386_DBJ
directory is created in order to not interfere with the Makefile system, but
be similiar enough for comparison sake.
-Allows full access to the MVC-IDE for development work and debugging.
-With Perl, update the Project files to reflect changes made to the AbiWord
code base.

What it can't do:
-It does not build the distribution executible or other exectuable defined
in the Makefiles.
-It does not update changes made to the "Peer" library Makefiles (i.e.
-It does not update changes to include directories or defines.
-The perl script does not work in reverse and update the Makefiles.


Michael D. Pritchett

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