Better looking find/replace dialog in Unix (fixes bug #640)

Subject: Better looking find/replace dialog in Unix (fixes bug #640)
From: Anders Melchiorsen (
Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 19:34:36 CDT


the enclosed patch enhances the GTK+ find/replace dialog in the
following ways:

        · No compiler warnings for possibly uninitialized variables
        for the replace widgets.

        · The dialog has a minimum size instead of a constant
        size. This makes sure the dialog is sized correctly even with
        non-default themes.

        · The dialog can be resized (someone might want to search for
        long strings and like to see the entire search string).

        · Extra horizontal space is given to the entry widgets instead
        of being wasted on air around the labels.

        · A separator is added above the action buttons.

        · The "Find Next" button is placed after the replace
        buttons. This makes the find and the replace dialogs have
        "Find Next" placed in the same spot.

This, along with my print dialog patch commited a few days, fixes bug
#640 as far as I can see. Am I supposed to mess with Bugzilla to
reflect that I have tried fixing this?

I have included screen shots of the new find and replace dialogs. For
comparison I have also included a shot of what the replace dialog
looked like in 0.7.10 with my theme settings.

I think this patch provides a considerable improvement though I am
still not too happy with the situation of the GTK+ dialogs.


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