page-break-before (was Re: <p> and <pbr>)

Subject: page-break-before (was Re:

and )
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 11:59:35 CST

This is a real problem, but that's the wrong solution.

The feature Sam wants is the "page-break-before" paragraph property, which
is currently defined (and displayed on the second page of the paragraph
dialog). Essentially, the semantics of this property are that any paragraph
which has it should always start at the beginning of the page. Because this
is a property, it can also be used in style definitions, which is especially

Unfortunately, for some strange reason the formatter doesn't honor this
property yet. To be honest, I'm not sure why -- it should be *very* easy to

By contrast, manual page breaks (via <pbr>) are used to change the breaking
of an existing paragraph, in case you don't like where the widow/orphan
logic broke the paragraph. They're used fairly rarely. In this case, you
*do* want the paragraph to contain the forced break, so margins, line
spacing, etc. all stay the same for both halves of the paragraph.


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