Re: [patch] complete fix for #302

Subject: Re: [patch] complete fix for #302
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 18:50:59 CST

At 01:49 AM 3/3/00 +0000, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
>I've fixed up the problems that I have discovered in the way I tried to
>fix this bug and also those that others have helpfully pointed out. Now it
>seems to "just work".

Aaron, it looks like you're getting very close here. The guide lines seem
to be XORing properly now. However, before we can close this bug, I think
you'll probably need to make better use of _snapPixelToGrid() in your m_oldX

1. Open an empty new document.
2. Drag any of the left margin controls off and back on.
3. Unless you release your mouse at the *exact* same X coordinate you
    started at, it still sets the undo state for another change (as shown on
    the ruler). That's too much precision for most mouse-wielders. ;-)

Also, it looks like there may be a different problem with tabs.

1. Open an empty new document.
2. Add a tab at, say, 1". (This should be undo step #1.)
3. Drag that tab to 2". (This should be undo step #2.)
4. Hit undo once. The tab should be back at 1", but it's gone.

>Like its previous incarnations, this patch also
>fixes a few non-debug compile warnings in the source (I think I should
>start compiling with debugging just to get cleaner build process output
>:) ).

Thanks. Those cleanups are definitely worth having.


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