How about some design specifications ?

Subject: How about some design specifications ?
From: ArcadePreserv Center (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 14:35:49 CST

Obviously there are still some important features still missing in Abiword,
without doubt this will be fixed in the future, but I have an idea of how it
could be sped up.

Often in comercial software development, you firstly do a design with
specifications for each feature to be added, then you allocate people to
solve the problems according to the specifications.

I myself might be able to do some codings, but I dont feel I am the right
person to do the major design on how for instance tables should be
implemented, since it would require far more knowledge about abiword. Once
the output of the tables function, i.e. how a table should be specified in
the internal format and fileformat, someone could code a function that adds
the table (perhaps in a very rudimentary way at first), then functions to
edit the table and so on.

Once the specs are there someone with little knowledge in abiword as such
could more easily code the functions.
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