Re: GR_Image is raster specific

Subject: Re: GR_Image is raster specific
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 19:36:08 CST


Thanks for the data structure and DOM details. I just wanted to be sure
there weren't any big surprises there, and there aren't.

At 01:41 PM 3/15/00 -0500, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
>At 12:32 AM -0800 3/15/00, Paul Rohr wrote:
>>If not, that sounds like it'd cause
>>some headaches. We're obviously not doing the usual full-blown CSS stuff in
>>AbiWord, so whatever object model we come up with for the rest of the
>>document would need to be translated before it could be made available to
>>the SVG image.
> It might be interesting to consider how this would happen
>moving forward, since it has some important parts to it - such as the
>ability of a user to use an Abi stylesheet on text in an SVG document.

Yep. However, this is almost certainly out of scope for our current 1.0
release plans, unless anyone identifies a major design flaw which is
guaranteed to bite us later.

>>Yep. If all we're doing is immediately rasterizing the SVG, then most of
>>this discussion is moot.
> Not entirely! You still need to maintain one of the two
>forms of structures DURING the parsing process for use by the
>rasterizer. However, once it's been rasterized - you can toss all
>the extra stuff and just keep the PNG and the raw SVG.

Doh! You're quite right. Thanks for the correction.


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