Re: fields design -- a near-trivial question

Subject: Re: fields design -- a near-trivial question
From: sam th (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 20:17:34 CST

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Paul Rohr wrote:

> 1. field names in the file format should never be localized
> 2. ditto for the object model presented to the scripting language
> 3. showing field codes in the document is a lot like programming
> Up to this point the argument holds that all three should be handled the
> same way (to avoid confusion when crossing levels), although I share Keith's
> concerns about the true usability of the #3 "feature". In fact I've *never*
> used it.
> If you buy the argument that #3 should use programmer-style English-only
> names, then it's not hard to believe that the dialog should be consistent
> with the other 3 modes. Fields *are* a pretty geeky feature after all,
> which is why many of the "simpler" fields (page numbers, date and time,
> etc.) have their own simplified and localized UI.
> However, if we decide to not implement "feature" #3 at all (which wouldn't
> break my heart at all), then it's a lot easier to make the argument that the
> fields dialog *should* be completely localized. That way, only people who
> write code or examine the file format will be forced to deal with the
> canonical internal names, which they're used to anyhow.
> Before we head down this road, does anyone want to make a usability case for
> either of the following:
> - preserving feature #3, and/or
> - *not* localizing field names in the dialog?
> If so, now's the time to speak up. :-)
> Paul

If feature #3 which you refer to in Word is similar to the WordPerfect
Reveal Codes feature, I would now like to make a passionate plea to at
least keep it on the todo list. (I don't know word very well). Reveal
Codes is the single most significant feature I can think of in a word
processor (ok, maybe that's exadgerated). While AbiWord's file format
allows for text file hacking, that is far more inelegant, and requires
closing the document. If reveal codes is at stake, I certainly would like
to put my vote in.

Hope I'm not totally off base here.
                                     sam th
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