Re: commit -- expat 1.1 upgrade

Subject: Re: commit -- expat 1.1 upgrade
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 03:24:34 CST

At 08:08 PM 3/17/00 -0600, sam th wrote:
>The way expat sets this up is that xmltok_ns.c is included into xmltok.c,
>so we don't need to worry about the makefile.

Cool. I didn't dig enough to notice this.

>I see that we decided to include the VC project files (*.dsp etc). Is
>this just not to delete stuff, or can you forsee a use for them?

I doubt we'll ever use them, but deleting components of the author's own
build environment seemed like it would set a bad precedent. These files
could be of use to someone who wanted to build expat for other reasons, so
keeping them increases the value of the sources we distribute.

Besides, they really don't take up that much room. Nuking the binaries is
what saved us most of the space.

motto -- why fork when you don't have to?

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