[patch] Show Paragraphs

Subject: [patch] Show Paragraphs
From: Michael Vogt (mvogt@acm.org)
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 14:56:25 CST

Dear Friends

Here is a new version of my "Show Paragraph" patch. It is still incomplete
and basicly with the same features/drawbacks as my first version. Sorry
for this, I had exams the last 5 weeks.
The patch is cleaned up, conform to the abiword-coding-guidlines and stores
the "ShowParagraph" bool on a per-frame basis. But still no nice "P" at the
end of the lines. I am still not sure how to implement this. I played around
with a new Run (showParagraphRun() ), but without much success. If someone
is interessed in helping, I would be more than happy (I am a bit short in
time, currently).

best regards

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