commit -- multiple line pastes

Subject: commit -- multiple line pastes
From: Robert Sievers (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 14:36:01 CST

At 10:38 AM 3/28/00 -0800, Paul Rohr wrote:
>You've totally got me sold. However, Bob's a much more thorough, devious
>tester than I am, so I'll let him finish beating on it. :-)

Well, I appreciate it, but it is undeserved I assure you.

The change looks good. There are two side points that should be mentioned.
 First, bug #780 has now morphed. It looks like the newline isn't included
in the cut; likely there is a similar fix that needs to be done someplace
in ie_exp_RTF.cpp, but what do I know? Second, while testing the fix for
#551 I found a really nasty bug when copying and pasting a section of a
document containing a section break, but the bug has been there unnoticed
in various forms since at least 0.7.5 and perhaps longer. For yucks, open
section_break.rtf in /abi/test/wp/suite, press shift down arrow five times,
cut, and paste. Wow!

I will update bugzilla on both counts. Oh yea, the commit... :-)

Fix for bug #551 courtesy of Matt Kraai <>
Now pastes correctly includes newline if it is the last char in the buffer
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: xp/ie_imp_RTF.cpp
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Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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