Re: Bug 274 - POW, printer margins on Win32

Subject: Re: Bug 274 - POW, printer margins on Win32
From: Alan De Smet (
Date: Sat May 06 2000 - 16:57:41 CDT

Mike Nordell ( wrote:
> Not having access to a decent printer I can't verify the provided
> solution. Somewone using Win32 that can check if it works?

Under Win98 with a LaserJetIIIP it didn't work.

It's been a while since I've done Win32 printing work, but I seem
to remember that the only solution is to note the offsets and
modify any output to account for them.

The attached diff -u does exactly that. I've only tested
printing text and images. "Tested" means "I get one inch margins
in my text on my printer." I suspect the line and rect code will
work, but haven't tested it.

Alan De Smet  -  -

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