AbiWord help

Subject: AbiWord help
From: Larry Kollar (kollar@alltel.net)
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 21:43:53 CDT

Geez, I get yanked away from my computer for a couple of days, and
I come back to find a huge heap of messages and the help system well

But enough about me. If there are any pieces available, I can smooth
out some of the rough translations in the help documentation.

General comments from what I've read:

 - The installation stuff doesn't belong in the help. You'll need to
   have it installed before you can read about how to install it -- a
   small recursion problem there -- then once it's installed, who wants
   to read installation instructions? IMNSHO, installation instructions
   should be available in HTML and PDF formats on abisource.com and in
   the top level of the distribution. (I'm wearing my tech writer hat
   right now, for what it's worth.)

 - When I saw the phrase "Saisie au kilomĖtre" and its various trans-
   lations, my first thought was "distance typing" -- implying someone
   hunkered down and pounding out text. :-) I've always called that
   "straight-ahead typing" though. Same idea -- pound out the text and
   worry about formatting later.

Need to get 0.7.9 and play catch-up for a while....


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