Re: cut and paste on Linux

Subject: Re: cut and paste on Linux
From: Petr Tesarik (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 11:49:07 CDT

Dne Thu, May 11, 2000 at 10:16:21AM -0400, Brian K. White napsal(a):
> Martin Sevior wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 9 May 2000, Bryan Cebuliak wrote:

> there is more than one method of cut & paste at the xlib level. some apps
> don't recognize both methods. This same or functionally the same issue was
> recently resolved for xwpe. I don't know the details but I can refer you to
> the person who did the fix.

This is what happens when I select a text in Gnome-Terminal:

DEBUG: Clipboard:: getData called [bOwnClipboard 0][bOwnPrimary 0]
DEBUG: Clipboard::_getDataFromServer called
DEBUG: Clipboard::_getFormats: requesting formats for [property CLIPBOARD]
DEBUG: Clipboard: SELRCV: [property CLIPBOARD][format TARGETS][type (null)][pData (nil)][lenData -1]
DEBUG: Clipboard::_getDataFromServer: [property CLIPBOARD] attempting to fetch [format TEXT]
DEBUG: Clipboard::_getDataFromServerInFormat: [property CLIPBOARD][formst TEXT]
DEBUG: Clipboard: SELRCV: [property CLIPBOARD][format TEXT][type (null)][pData (nil)][lenData -1]
DEBUG: Clipboard: SELRCV: assuming data buffer [length -1]
DEBUG: PasteFromClipboard: did not find anything to paste.

Apparently, AbiWord can't get the TARGETS properly. There is something
more wrong, since AbiWord doesn't even recognize when it no more owns
the clipboard. When I cut in AbiWord and then select something in
Gnome-Terminal, an attempt to paste in AbiWord results in this:

DEBUG: Clipboard:: getData called [bOwnClipboard 1][bOwnPrimary 0]
DEBUG: Clipboard::_getDataFromFakeClipboard: found format [text/rtf][len 215]
DEBUG: PasteFromClipboard: pasting 215 bytes in format [text/rtf].
DEBUG: Pasting 215 bytes of RTF

Note the bOwnClipboard still set to UT_TRUE! I didn't find any
callback in xap_UnixClipboard.cpp that would set it to UT_FALSE, it is
only modified in initialize() and addData(). So, I guess something is
badly broken with the X clipboard code. :(


Petr Tesarik
Tel: +420 602 575294  

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