commit -- Fix the margins in the LaTeX export.

Subject: commit -- Fix the margins in the LaTeX export.
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 10:30:12 CDT

I've fixed the margins of the LaTeX exporter. Now, it mimics the
margins of the AbiWord doc.
This feature is a bit different of the rest of features of the LaTeX
exporter... by default, the LaTeX commands that changes the margins of
the LaTeX document are commented out. If you really really know what
are you doing, just erase the % at the beginning of the two \setlength
commands that you can find in the preamble of the exported docs and you
will have a doc that mimics the abiword doc. If you leave the %, you
will obtain the LaTeX default margins.

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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