Re: LineBreaks vs Page/ColBreaks

Subject: Re: LineBreaks vs Page/ColBreaks
From: sam th (
Date: Sat May 27 2000 - 15:42:51 CDT

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Randy Kramer wrote:

> > Still, I don't quite understand why a paragraph should be able to span
> > a page/column break. Looking at the internal data structures, a
> > pagebreak only appears when inserted - not when a paragraph spills
> > over the page limit.
> A user may want to insert a page break within a paragraph to adjust how
> many lines of a paragraph print on the current page vs. the next page.
> (A "manual" means of widow / orphan control.)

This discussion took place on the list before (with me playing Jesper's
role). It was explained to me
that what you (Jesper) really want is the page-break-before property,
which says: start this paragraph at the beginning of the page. Sadly,
this property is currently ignored by the formatter (you can test it in
the paragraph dialog[1]). If someone implemented that in the formatter,
it would be a service to us all.

[1] Atually, you can only pretent to. Here's the implementation:

 // TODO : add these to PP_Property (pp_Property.cpp) !!!
                                     sam th
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