RE: Superscript (run?) bug

Subject: RE: Superscript (run?) bug
From: James Montgomerie (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 18:46:25 CDT

> That's really freaky. I looked a both cases in the formatter dump, and
> aside from some differences in run breaking (which should be irrelevant)
> they were identical. Even in the second case, the heights were all the
> same (21) even though they didn't look that way. I think this is a
> display problem, most likely.

I also was very perplexed (It's an imported wv test, and I thought something
was wrong with the importer :-) especially by the undoing leaving it in the
new state. I don't know anything about the internals though, so I can't
comment on what's going wrong.

I've put the bug into Bugzilla, it's BUG# 870, marked as priority 'medium'
and severity 'normal' (I'll let someone else change them if they're too high
or low).

> BTW, I'm impressed by your new patch. Does it allow us to import Word
> 2000 documents?

I think the format is the same as 97, so they should 'Just Work'.

Despite all the hacking around with wv, I still don't really know much about
the internals of Word documents, and Microsoft haven't released any new file
specs (in fact, the old file specs have been removed from MSDN), so if they
don't work it might mean a little learning. Luckily, I'll be looking into
document internals when I start work on the exporter (in the next couple of
weeks), so that might enlighten things.


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