Major Lists overhall needed.

Subject: Major Lists overhall needed.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 00:03:09 CST

HI everyone,
            Unfortuantely we will need to make a major overhall of the
Lists code. Right now the Lists code is hardwired into assuming one view
per piece table. A consequence of this is that each fl_AutoNum class
member points to individual fl_BlockLayout classes and counts each
fl_BlockLayout with elements in the list.

This causes massive problems if open a another view on the same piece
table such as when printing or if you open another window since the
fl_BlockLayout's are duplicated. Counting of blockLayouts is totally
screwed up. To see what I mean generate a list then choose new window.

How to fix this? I think we can fix this my counting the PL_StruxDocHandle
sdh* in fl_AutoNum rather than Layout pointers as we do now. This will
take some time.

I'll get onto it.


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