Re: To our Chinese friends...

Subject: Re: To our Chinese friends...
From: Chih-Wei Huang (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2000 - 04:10:07 CST

Martin Sevior ¼g¹D¡G
> Hi,
> I was wondering if you guys could give a summary of chinese
> support on current CVS Abi. Can you tell us what works and what doesn't?

I have to say sorry that I'm too busy to follow
all threads of CJK support.
I just checkout the latest CVS Abi and build for testing.
After add the appropriate fonts.dir to fonts/zh-TW,
I CAN input, display, print Chinese in Abiword (in zh_TW.Big5 locale).
Loosely speaking, the CJK support of the current CVS
is at least as good as HJ's patch. That's great!

I also tried the zh_CN.GB2312 locale, the problem still there.
I can input but the character didn't display.
Vlad has mentioned this should be fixed by changing
gdk_font_load() to gdk_fontset_load() in gr_UnixGraphics.cpp.
I notice it is not in the current CVS, so I get Vald's
next-cjk-patch.diff and tried to apply it, but failed.
There are many rejects. So, Vlad, could you provide a
clean patch against the current CVS? Thanks!!

I have also tried the RTF export. I open the exported RTF
by MSWord97, but Chinese character didn't display. It messed up.
Copy & paste for Chinese didn't work, either. (between rxvt 2.7.3 & abi)

I made a screenshot to demo the Chinese support of the
current CVS Abi:

Thanks for your great work!!

Best Regards,

   ~     Chih-Wei Huang (cwhuang)
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